Busy times at the RGF

August and September 2019 (summer holiday time) have been extraordinarily busy months for the RGF. Grant applications continue to arrive thick and fast and at the time of this post we’ve received 54 since the start of August and currently 37 of those have been successful! Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard … Continued

Annual Review 2018/19 Cover

Hot off the press – the RGF 2018-19 Annual Review

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve just launched our 2018-19 Annual Review and we strongly recommend you look and see for yourselves what a difference the RGF has made to so many young people across the UK. Everyone associated with the RGF should feel very proud of another inspirational and successful year. Thank you to … Continued

A bed for Edward, but it’s much more than that!

Please find the time to read Edward’s moving story and see how the RGF has made such a difference to this amazing young boy and his family. Our thanks go to Catherine and Shaune, Edward’s parents, for sharing Edward’s story with us: “Our son Edward is 3 years old, big brother to Edith and younger … Continued

Edward and his brother on the bunk bed
Aimee doing Ice Bucket Challenge
Phoebe Haughton, Rhythmic Gymnast

RGF grant for aspiring Basketball player, Zulieka

The grant has enabled Zulieka to purchase essential training kit and basketball boots which are essential items for her sport. Zulieka is a member at Sevenoaks Suns Basketball Club in Sevenoaks Kent. This is where she attends 2 training sessions a week, together with fitness sessions at home, and up to 2 games each weekend … Continued

Canoe Slalom grantee, Kurts, updates the RGF

“As the RGF has been a huge part of my journey to the World & European Junior Championships I thought it would be nice for me to give you a little update on what I have been up to. After a lot of hard work, sweat and tears last winter I made the GB Junior … Continued

Kurt's holding the British flag
Olivia driving lessons

Olivia’s mum thanks the RGF

“We cannot thank you enough for supporting Olivia’s driving lessons. Driving is an incredibly cathartic thing for Olivia as it gives her something else to think about other than being in hospital and on the receiving end of gruelling treatment for her leukaemia. Driving will be such a rewarding activity for Olivia moving forward, it … Continued

Ali thanks the RGF

19-year-old Ali Ahmed is currently a volleyball performance scholar at the University of Essex. He also plays for the England national team. He first started playing volleyball at 8 years ago at his school and then progressed through England youth squads after some club success. Recently, the University of Essex won the BUCS championships for … Continued

Ali Ahmed playing volleyball

The RGF supports talented Nottingham based swimmer, Heaven

The RGF has awarded Heaven a grant to support her personal development as she pursues her long-term goal to swim competitively, both nationally and internationally. 12-year-old Heaven is completely committed to her future sporting aspirations to be a successful swimmer. Heaven’s base club is Nottingham Leander SC whom she still represents in local competitions. She … Continued

Heaven with her swimming trophies and medals

The RGF supports highly talented dancer, Keeley

The RGF supports highly talented dancer, Keeley – Keeley, just 16, from Lancashire approached us in May to help fund her first year’s fees at The Hammond in Chester. The Hammond is a top-rated specialist co-educational performing arts school and Keeley’s aim is to gain a Level 6 Diploma in Professional Dance. There’s no doubting … Continued

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