Making a difference – One Individual at a time
Let’s get cooking!
…in the past year you have watched your child undergo treatment for a brain tumour, then a stem cell transplant. To add insult to injury, your cooker catches fire rending it unusable. Christmas lunch needs to be at the grandparents, as you now can’t cook for your family. Your child needs good nutrition and a clean diet due to being neutropaenic (highly prone to infection as a result of cancer treatments).
Read more ...A small request
…you are a 23 year old young man, making your way in the world as a trainee baker. You live with your girlfriend and all is going well. Then you are diagnosed with lymph...
Read more ...Keeping an 11 year old in touch
…you are only 11 years old – which might be hard to imagine! But then imagine you have a rare brain tumour. You miss school and all your friends. You spend hours on ...
Read more ...Leukaemia halts degree course
…aged 20, you are about to return to Edinburgh University for the third year of your law degree when you are diagnosed with leukaemia. You obviously have to stop your cour...
Read more ...Essential travel for young cancer patient
…being 23 yrs old, being diagnosed with cancer and simply being unable to afford to make the 35 mile round trip, multiple times a week, to hospital for your treatment. Che...
Read more ...Cricket Star
…a young man now aged 23. When he was a youngster he played cricket for England Under 16’s! But now he is embroiled in a different challenge – he has a malignant mel...
Read more ...Three fencers
…fencing is your sport. Well a bit like policemen and buses, you can’t find one, and then three come along at the same time! Chloe Dickson, Daniel Kiss and Elisabeth P...
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