Callum Welch

Callum, a skier, suffered a few tumbles in June, but did bag a third place at the Jibworx competition, apparently learning a new trick in the process! It’s great to see the Callum putting his RGF grant to such good use.

Charlotte and Katie Bennett, supported by the RGF

Charlotte and Katie Bennett

Double trouble! Two sisters both mad keen on basketball and both super talented. Charlotte earnt herself a place in the England U17 side June 2015 playing in matches against Sweden and Scotland, losing the first but winning the second – she produced very exciting stats for the matches. Katie continues to work really hard, she … Continued

Prosecco and Strawberries are a winning combination

                                The “Prosecco and Strawberries” afternoon on Sunday 11 June 2015, in the beautiful garden of Bob and Kathy Hopping in Langham, was a great success, with approximately 150 at the event. Entertainment was provided by Exaltation! Gospel Choir. Not … Continued

Rob's Ride - the RGF

“A promise to be kept” – Rob’s Ride 2015

To cycle from John O’Groats to Land’s End was Rob’s final challenge to friend Abi, and me, his mum. 1114 miles, the wiggly way, the length of the country – how hard could that be? 16 good friends set off on 2nd May and, miraculously, 16 of us cycled together over the finishing line 16 … Continued

Loughborough University Cricket: Loyal Friends a Year On

Rob’s friends have now nearly all left Loughborough Uni, however, they are determined that his memory and legacy will carry on. One by one their lives are moving from the University but they have done their best to ensure that Rob’s memory will linger. A fun Cricket Tournament, even if it did pour with rain … Continued

Loughborough university cricket supports the RGF

Rob’s old Golf Club does him proud!

Rob had been Junior Captain of Colchester Golf Club in 2010, and I bet there is hardly a member that can’t close their eyes and imagine Rob practising his putting outside the clubhouse. He did, after all, practise for hours and hours and hours…… Even during his treatment he would escape when he felt well … Continued

300 Young Cricketers raise money for the RGF

Trustee David Cant and his wife, Julie, enjoyed a wonderful day at South Woodford Cricket Club’s May 2015 Colts Festival. Sue Neicho had done a fabulous job organising the day, which around 300 folks attended. It’s great to see so many people have a great family day out and remember the work of the Rob … Continued

South Woodford Cricket Club supports the RGF
Jack Hatton supported by the RGF

Gold spot on the podium

Jack Hatton wins South of England Champs in a legal 13.75. UKA Euro Junior qualifying time secured! Jack, a hurdler, is currently studying at Bath University, and his RGF grant helps with travel expenses to and from his hectic training schedule and competitions. It’ll certainly help him on his way to Loughborough University this May … Continued

Reyce & Jaidon Asesimba – Double Gold for Brothers

Reyce and Jaidon have both been going from strength to strength with their Jiu Jitsu. It’s not surprising really when you look back at Reyce’s application to the RGF where he described his average training schedule. Reyce (aged 13 and shown in the picture below) wrote: “Monday: Morning BJJ with Dad/Mum (1 hour), Evening BJJ … Continued

Jaidon and Reyce Asesimba supported by the Rob George Foundation
Running the London Marathon for the RGF

London Marathon 2015 – Our Amazing Runners

Lorraine writes: “Each year we receive lots of offers from friends of the RGF that wish to run the London Marathon on our behalf. What few folks realise is that London Marathon places were mostly sold off years ago. They are all bonded to older charities; we as a new charity cannot even apply to … Continued

Bigger, better and sunnier than last year!

More teams than ever entered the Colchester & East Essex Cricket Tournament this year.  The event was fabulously organised by RGF Trustee, Andrew Kennedy (Spesh), and the three competitions rumbled on all day. Teams from the Essex League played against the likes of Loughborough University, and then there were Sou’westers (Rob’s touring club) and his … Continued

Colchester Cricket in support of the Rob George Foundation
Springlands Nursery supporting the RGF

Toddlers on bikes for the RGF

Everyone from the RGF joins together to thank the youngsters and staff of Springland’s Nursery in Colchester for their fabulous donation of £130. Children emulated our Paris to Colchester cycle ride of August 2014, transforming the nursery carpark and garden into the route. The climbing frame, draped with a parachute, became the Channel Tunnel and … Continued

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