Swimathon for the RGF

Thanks go to everyone who took part in our recent swimathon, which took place in August 2016.  We hope you enjoy watching our video.  

RGF Swimathon
Golfers at the RGF Golf Day June 2016

Second Annual RGF Golf Day

On 2 June 2016 a group of intrepid golfers braved the English summer and played in the Rob George Foundation Second Annual Golf day, which was organised for us by Andrew Duley at the St James Place Wealth Management Group. The Direct Meats’ BBQ outside was swiftly moved into the kitchen at Colchester Golf Club … Continued

Half a million!

      We are delighted to announce that half a million pounds has been raised for the Rob George Foundation.

Kent Blaxill Bike Ride in support of RGF

Kent Blaxill – Keeeep Biking…for the RGF!

Four colleagues from Kent Blaxill share a passion for cycling and decided to tackle the most mountainous sections of the classic Tour de France challenge – in aid of the RGF. This lovely photo is of the team proudly presenting their amazing £2,000 total. (Left to right) Kevin Pryke, James Park, Simon Blaxill (Managing Director), … Continued

Rowing the Atlantic for Rob – THEY’VE WON!

As an update on our news item below, we are absolutely thrilled that Joe Barnett and his team – Angus Collins, Gus Barton and Jack Mayhew – have not only completed their transatlantic crossing, but have won! The team – Ocean Reunion – completed the Talisky Whisky Atlantic Challenge in a record breaking time of … Continued

Lewis Richardson supported by the Rob George Foundation

Young Boxing Champion

The Rob George Foundation is thrilled to be supporting an upcoming star in the highly competitive world of boxing. Lewis Richardson, aged 18, has just won the National Ambition Boxing Championship, the final of which was held in Croydon on 3 December 2015. One of the biggest UK amateur boxing championships, the NABC contest attracts … Continued

Christmas Jumpers at Care UK

Staff at Care UK, based in Colchester, Essex, generously raised funds for the RGF at their Christmas party. Here is Lorraine from the RGF, collecting a cheque for £561.50 from staff, all proudly sporting their fabulous selection of Christmas jumpers.

Care UK raise funds for the Rob George Foundation

September Raffle Prize Winners

Here are the winners and sponsors of The Rob George Foundation Raffle, which was held in September 2015: 1 week’s stay in France (KS Gites) – A. Sainty 6 week pilates course (Jo Hockey Pilates & Fitness) – S. Sismey Beauty face treatment + 1 touch therapy (Treat Skincare Therapy) – C. Foster Back, neck … Continued

Transition time for Gemma Kersey

Gemma – supported by the RGF – is now aged 23 and we all have our fingers crossed that the massive commitment Gemma has demonstrated will see her succeed on the senior circuit. One of our Trustees, David Cant (shown right in photo), recently met Gemma to present her grant, and her snazzy RGF T-shirt. … Continued

Gemma Kersey supported by the RGF
Alexandra Pereira is supported by the RGF

Young Musician from Harlow is on her way

Alexandra Pereira is 10 years old and with a joint grant from the Annabel and Gerald Malton Charitable Fund and The Rob George Foundation she will be able to take up her place at the prestigious Purcell School of Music in London this September. The photo shows Alexandra with her Mum, Lana. How proud must … Continued

Super Trouper – A Rose For Rob

An emotional morning was spent at Colchester Royal Grammar School inspecting the rose planted and lovingly cared for by our dear friend, Peter Bannister, in memory of Rob. The rose is called “Super Trouper” – how appropriate! We hope it flourishes and that many teachers, students and visitors will take a moment over the coming … Continued

Rose for Rob - The Rob George Foundation
Evan Coggins supported by the Rob George Foundation

Evan Coggins…and his Dad, Alex

A grant from the Rob George Foundation made a dream come true for young Evan Coggins. His grant has made a trip to Majorca to swim in an international competition with his swim club a reality. Dad, Alex, asked for a polo shirt too, so that he could promote the work of the RGF whilst … Continued

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