Another amazing milestone for hugely talented RGF grantee, Brioni

The RGF received some wonderful news over the festive period. Our regular supporters will recognise Brioni and be familiar with her story. Her latest achievements are worthy of sharing with you. Following some very demanding auditions Brioni has been offered a place at the Royal College of Music in London for her 4-year degree starting this September.

Brioni has been in touch and shared with us: “RCM has been my dream since I took part in a junior day there when I was twelve. The ethos, the community, the supportive environment, everything drew me towards it. As I have become older, I have been fortunate to attend some masterclasses by the flute professor of the RCM and was inspired by the passion I felt. I knew it was the place for me, surrounded by passionate people who love music as much as I do! It is a dream come true for me to actually say I have been offered a place there and will be able to look out over the Royal Albert Hall studying what I love for the next 4 years! That is going to be amazing! My aspirations long term after my degree at the RCM are to be able to tour the world in a prestigious orchestra such as the London Philharmonic. Alongside performing I want to bring music to the younger generations. I was very blessed to be able enjoy music from a young age, from experiencing it live to playing instruments through school. I wish to be part of something going forward that continues to bring music to children and give them chances to enjoy the Arts.

I would like to thank the Rob George Foundation for helping me in chasing down my dreams to become a professional musician. The Trustees have helped me access education which has enabled me to be successful in my university auditions, giving me a brilliant support and believing in my ambitions. I hope, once COVID-19 times settle, there will be chance for me to perform for one of the annual events held by the RGF! Thank you to everyone at the Foundation for helping me and making my dreams come true!”

Wow! What a journey so far for Brioni. We are all feeling so proud at the RGF and wish her every success with her degree and beyond!

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