A Mum’s special message to the RGF – “I wanted to share my son’s story with you. Harry has just turned 18 and to his and the family’s absolute horror, in August 2017 was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. Harry has been through a torrid time, with x-rays, biopsies and then the dreaded chemotherapy treatment. Physically Harry has tolerated the chemotherapy reasonably well. However, emotionally he’s struggled with the knowledge that every other week, he’d receive this toxic yethopefully curable treatment. Life for a 17 year old with cancer is hard. It has had an accumulative effect on his college work, social and, indeed, everyday life.
However, there was light at the end of our dark journey. Due to his age a referral was made to The Rob George foundation. It was requested that an allowance be made to assist Harry with driving lessons. Harry had just started to learn prior to his diagnosis. Due to the fact as his mother and his only carer was off work, money became rather tight. I am sure that any parent reading this along with myself, just wanted to see a smile on his face, for however long I could. So when the Rob George foundation stated that they could assist with helping to fund Harry’s driving lessons, I don’t think I have any words eloquent enough to express my sincere gratitude. Not only from a parent’s perspective but far more importantly from Harry’s. That hour he spent driving with his terrific driving instructor was truly priceless. Harry tells me that by him being out driving, he had gained some independence back.
So the Rob George foundation continued to pay for his lessons and on the 30th January 2018 (a better year!) my brilliantly strong son passed his driving test. So I want to thank the charity for supporting Harry and making him smile which is a priceless gift.
I have never really paid much attention to supporting charities, but to have a child with cancer and to know that there is such a tremendous charity such as The Rob George foundation out there, I will be most definitely try to raise funds within the organisation that I work for to do my bit in the future!”