As you may recall, our very own long-term RGF supporter, Victoria Fenner (Vix to her friends!) is participating in the 2021 Virtual London Marathon on Sunday 3 October – Vix’s personal challenge is to complete the 26.2-mile marathon in under 9 hours and that’s including stops for drinks, energy snacks, and the occasional change of kit!
Over the last few months Vix has embarked on an amazing training routine. Recently, she took a brief break from her gruelling schedule to update us on her progress.
Vix told us: “My training continues to go well, having recently completed a 20-miler. My actual walking time was 6 hours 3 minutes and there was 27 minutes in stoppages for water etc., so a total of 6½ hours. This was my last long walk before the event as I’ll be taking a break in Norfolk for a well-earned pre marathon rest. I have, however, been on my footpath app and found some nice walks for whilst we’re there!”
There’s still time to support Vix. If you’d like to support Vix please click on the link and make a donation. You really will be making a difference.
Thank you Vix!