On Sunday 17 August 2014, 20 cyclists from Colchester & East Essex Cricket Club, including some of Rob’s friends and family, set off from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, bound for Colchester’s Castle Park.
The going was tough. Very tough! The route wound through France (tackling some significant hills and jarring cobbled streets in the process!), across the border into Belgium and on to Antwerp towards the Hook of Holland and the ferry. The final leg of the journey – from Harwich to Colchester – was completed on 22 August, and the team even made it back slightly ahead of schedule.
Thanks must go to everyone who took part, and to JM Finn, Birkett Long, Essex Ford and Thomas Cycle Revolution for their support. Last but not least, a huge thank you to the magnificent back up team who kept the wheels on the road!
The total raised from this event is in excess of a staggering £50,000!!! Our thanks seem hardly adequate for the support we received for this undertaking. “A wonderful event with a wonderful result!”
Huge congratulations go to Iain McQueen and Andrew Kennedy, for organizing this memorable cycle ride – with a little help from their friends. Where next lads?!