Young sportsman goes to US

Grant awarded on 26th November 2014


…you are 11 years old and your passion is trampolining.  Meet Zak Perzamanos!  Zak is outstanding, he trains for at least 12 hours per week and shows exceptional talent.  He has already achieved much international success and is part of the GB competition squad.  He is one of only 3 boys in the UK to reach the standard required to compete in the World Age Group event in Florida USA, in November 2014.  Mum and dad are right behind him, but financially this is going to be a step too far.

Your support has made a difference…

If you have been reading the entries on this web page, by now you will have begun to see how we at the RGF feel about encouraging young people to fulfil their potential.  The trustees felt overwhelmingly that this could be a life changing experience for this young man.  Zak had experienced the pride of being invited to represent his country at such a young age, and already he had faced the very real possibility that he may actually not be able to go because of a shortage of money.  As I write this report, Zak is four days away from travelling to the States.  We at the RGF are proud to have made your trip possible, Zak, and we hope you enjoy the competition.  We are all looking forward to seeing the photos upon your return, and of course we’ll add them to this article for everyone to enjoy.

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