RGF grantee, Kiah reflects on how she is coping in these testing times for athletes

Grant awarded on 4th May 2020


Kiah told us: “I guess it was a massive shock to all athletes when major competitions were cancelled this year and sports centres closed. Everyone has had to find ways to cope especially during the lockdown. For me personally, I had to re-evaluate all my goals for this season, times have been tough! With the help of the RGF I was able to continue to stay fit at home and stay positive even though I have been training without clear goals. Being able to buy gym equipment meant I could continue to better myself at home. Usually I have a fixed goal for the season but training at home meant I could focus more on my technical skills like improving my strength and power. The start of the season this year was great and hopefully the end of my season will be just as good! Thank you, Rob George Foundation! “

We all hope Kiah is back competing in major competitions as soon as possible!

Kiah racing

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