A career in sports coaching

Grant awarded on 12th August 2014


…being an inspiration to others.  Jon Helliwell has already proved himself dedicated to his sport of tennis.  His work as a coach is there for us all to witness.  He has already taught hundreds of youngsters at weekly tennis lessons, holiday clubs and the like whilst being a student at University.  Jon has also done some work with youngsters with special needs. He now wants to hone his skills as a coach and fulfil his place on a Masters course in Professional Sports Coaching – but how do you find money for yet more studying, even though it is for a course that will potentially set you up in your chosen career?

Your support has made a difference…

At the Rob George Foundation we talked about this for some while.  All the trustees came to a similar conclusion: that by helping Jon we would potentially be helping many more children over the years – something that was totally in sync with our second aim: “to support young people to achieve their full potential in the world of sport or performing arts, but are held back by their financial situation”.  We have proudly made a contribution to Jon’s course fees and slightly lessened the strain on his finances.  To under-estimate the value of sport in a child’s life is, we believe, a big mistake!  Good luck Jon with your course, and we look forward to hearing all about you in the future.

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