A World Champion for the RGF

As updates go, this is quite cool!

Telemark skier Jasmin Taylor (Jaz) has been in touch to share the wonderful news that she is Overall World Cup Champion 2024 and Sprint World Cup Champion 2024. Not only that, but she is also currently ranked number one in the world in the general standings and sprint discipline in Telemark Ski Racing. Jaz also has 56 World Cup podiums to her name, which is a British record. What a star!

Jaz said: “This season I became “Overall World Cup Champion” and “Sprint World Cup Champion” therefore winning two crystal globes. This makes my word ranking number one – I could not be happier!

“I am extremely grateful to The Rob George Foundation for supporting me; it’s because of their kind generosity that I have been able to achieve my goals. An amazing charity, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone involved.”

📸 Nikki Hazelton @nikki_hazelton

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