Another year, another fabulous effort from Hannah

RGF stalwart Hannah Brooks has supported us over many years, principally through producing themed calendars, that are sold, with the proceeds going to Hannah’s favourite charities. So why the RGF? Let Hannah remind us why: “Since 2016, I have supported The Rob George Foundation through my annual charity calendar photography project. The RGF is a … Continued

Hannah holding up the 2024 RGF calendar
Steve is running the London Marathon

Steve’s Counting down the days!

With less than 3 months until the London Marathon, it’s starting to get exciting! Steve is running the London Marathon for the Rob George Foundation, and his goal is to raise £2,500 to support us. Steve has confirmed that Barclays, his employer, is generously participating in match-funding the first £1,000 he raises. This means every … Continued

Benton Hall Golf Club Supports the RGF

David Kirkpatrick, Justina Heddell and David Moseley were the captains of the men’s, women’s, and senior sections at Benton Hall Golf Club in Witham for 12 months, which ended towards the end of last year. During their year in office, all three captains supported fundraising events for two charities – our very own Rob George … Continued

Justina presenting a cheque to Lorraine George.
RGF Christmas Dinner

Big RGF Thanks to Liz and Mark

In November, our friends and supporters, Liz and Mark Webber, kindly organised a special fundraising dinner supporting the Rob George Foundation. Inspired by their experience at our golf day in 2022, Liz and Mark turned a simple dinner into a wonderful act of generosity. In this setting, a group of friends got together, each contributing … Continued

Independence is Key for Sam!

Regularly, we are asked to support grantees to fund driving lessons to assist them in learning to drive to get their life back on course. Sam’s mum, Jackie, has been in touch to highlight what a difference the RGF’s support has made to Sam. She told us: “Sam, my 18-year-old son was diagnosed with lung … Continued

Sam, driving test
WRS Insurance - Movement for Good Awards

Introducing the RGF’s Marathon Man

Steve Loader is not only a Business Manager at Barclays and a dedicated father to two wonderful children, Macie and Tyler, but he is now adding marathon running to that list, all for the Rob George Foundation. Steve pursues his fitness goals at Iceni Training in Hythe with 1 to 6 small group personal training. … Continued

Steve Loader - Marathon Man
Millie with her diploma.

Dreams do come true!

Dancer and RGF grantee, Millie, has shared her exciting news with us. “It brings me so much joy to share an update with you all at The Rob George Foundation. When I first applied for a grant from the RGF I cited my future goals to be securing a pantomime and cruise contract. At the … Continued

RGF Grantee, Lucy, Impresses in Argentina

Back in August we shared Lucy’s video with you, explaining that, with support from the RGFshe was about to represent GB at the 6th World Deaf Swimming Championship in Argentina. Well, she did us proud! We’ll leave Lucy to tell us all about it. She told us: “I’m now back from Buenos Aires, and I’m … Continued

Lucy at the world deaf swimming championship
Tammy Beaumont batting for England

Major Honour for RGF Patron

RGF Patron and England batter, Tammy Beaumont has won a most prestigious award. Regular supporters of the RGF will know that Tammy’s support for the RGF is very special. Tammy and Rob were good friends at Loughborough University. They used to meet regularly in the Students Union bar or on the dance floor. Tammy was … Continued

What an Evening!

Well, the feedback has been unanimous; a truly fantastic evening enjoyed by all. A near sell-out attendance, the Rob George Foundation/Colchester & East Essex Cricket Club Ball did not disappoint – wonderfully MC’d by Michael J Fitch at his best, Jupiter Ray hitting all the right notes, and, to cap it all a truly outstanding … Continued

Charity Summer Ball invite 2023

Just over 24 hours before the bidding closes!

With just over 24 hours before the Charity Summer Ball’s Silent Auction closes, we have had five more lots, all kindly donated by none other than England cricket legend, Joe Root There are now 38 lots. They present a great opportunity to treat yourself or loved ones to something really special; perhaps a Christmas or … Continued

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